جميع ملخصات الإنجليزية للباكالوريا 2nd Baccalaureate units and lessons

الإدارة März 04, 2018 März 04, 2018
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 جميع ملخصات الإنجليزية للباكالوريا  2nd Baccalaureate units and lessons

الأستاذ نبيل

all the 2nd Baccalaureate units and lessons dealt with in the Moroccan English baccalaureate course books : Gateway to English and Ticket to English

Gateway to English 2 Units

Gateway 2
Education (Unit 1 – Gateway2)
The Gifts of Youth (unit3 – gateway 2)
Women and power ( unit 4 – Gateway 2)
advances in science and technology (unit 5 -gateway 2)
Humour (unit 6 – gateway 2)
citizenship (unit 7 – gateway 2)
Brain drain (unit 8 – gateway 2)
Sustainable development (unit 9 – Gateway 2)
International Organisations(unit 10 - Gateway 2)

Ticket 2 English 2 Units

Ticket 2 English 2
The Gift of youth (Unit 1 – Ticket 2)
Humour (Unit 2 – ticket 2)
Education (Unit 3 – ticket 2)
Sustainable Development(Unit 4 – Ticket 2)
Women and Power (Unit 5 – Ticket 2)
Cultural issues (Unit 6- Ticket 2)
Citizenship (Unit 7 – Ticket 2)
International Organisations (Unit 8 - Ticket 2)
Advances in science and technology (Unit 9 – Ticket 2)
Brain Drain (Unit 10 - Ticket 2)

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