Grammar in Points قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية في نقاط (2)

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 Grammar in Points قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية في نقاط (2)

 تلك نقاط توضح لنا ماهية كل قاعدة. أيضًا، تعد هذه النقاط مراجعة سريعة لطلاب الثانوية العامة تثبت عندهم المعلومة بمطالعة كل نقطة والوقوف على تركيبها وشكلها والقاعدة فيها. فهيا بنا نطالع Grammar in Points قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية في نقاط.

Grammar in Points 

Grammar in Points قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية في نقاط (2)


  حالات شرطيةConditional Cases

1 – If you water plants, they grow.

2 – If you water these plants, they will grow.

3 – If you study hard, you will succeed .

4 - Should you study hard, you will succeed.

5- If you want to succeed, study hard.

6- If he arrived early, he would meet us.

7- Should he arrive early, he would meet us.

8- Were he to arrive early, he would meet us.

9- If I were you, I would study hard.

10- If he had played well, he would have won.

11- Had he played well, he would have won.

Certainty and uncertainty  اليقين وعدمه

1 – He must have gone out, we didn't see him.

2- – He can't have killed the man, he was abroad.

Reported Speech الكلام المنقول عن الآخرين

1 – He said that he had taken the book the day before.

2 – He asked me if I watched the match.

3 – She asked me where I had seen the man.

4 – Mother told me not to eat too much.

5 – He advised me to study hard.


1 – He wishes he was taller. (تمني في المضارع )

2 – I wish I could swim now.

3 – I wish I hadn't wasted my time playing.  ( تمني في الماضي)

Relative Pronouns ضمائر الوصل (الأسماء الموصولة)

1-The man who helped me was Ali.

2 - The girl whose father is a doctor helped me

3 - i gave him all money that I had.

4 – We had a meeting at which we found out about the school trip.

5 – She has written an article in which she describes women's problems.

6 – For which he prepared.

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