Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) Words on "How the internet has changed the world nowadays." سؤال المقال

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 Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) Words on  "How the internet has changed the world nowadays." مقال متوقع جدًا جدًا في امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الدراسي الأول 2022 لطلاب الثانوية العامة وهذا حلٌ معتمد وضعته لهذا السؤال.

Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) Words on the following:

"How the internet has changed the world nowadays."

Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) Words on  "How the internet has changed the world nowadays."

The Internet has already changed the world rapidly. It opened closed doors and paved unbeaten ways before all of us to make use of them and through which we can go and find a solution to every problem. As for me, it proves to be a cheap and viable technology that made me do researches, study my lessons and contact with my relatives here and there.

Recently, The internet helped us to learn and work safely after the widespread of Corona Virus. We now follow many learning platforms and websites that provided us with online learning programs and solutions. Also, we have the internet of things that made our home and business lives easier and smarter.

In addition, so many businesses and companies around the world used the internet in so many innovative ways. They have online teams and they can do their jobs in remote places easily. No wonder here to find people use the internet for shopping and learning.  

In conclusion, the internet provides a virtual life with abilities that can help everyone in their works. We use it as a close friend who helps us every time we need and gives us what we need when we need it. 


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