وضعية ادماجية بالانجليزية عن شعب الله المختارGod's chosen people

الإدارة Juni 10, 2024 Juni 10, 2024
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 وضعية ادماجية بالانجليزية عن شعب الله المختار

God's chosen people

وضعية ادماجية بالانجليزية عن شعب الله المختار

 بقلم المهندسة صارة ربيع شريف

God's chosen people

for such a poetic name you'd think they're angels in human skin, spreading love and keeping away from sin,
You would think...
Until they take your tax money through forgery and embezzlement, making you a slave to a tank making regiment,
Stealing land, starving families, killing women,men and beheading babies, 
But of course it's just to save you from scary muslims it has been the reason for centuries,
Fox news and CNN were right! These bearded monsters are the problem, Better send more money to the idf through your lord and saviour Joe biden,
But wait a second... Hind ragab had no beard, she was 6 years old and barely had all her teeth,
Palestinian women are saying "Thank you god" after losing their offsprings, Ghazaoui men are shouting  "Our land Al Qudus is offering us martyrdom wings",
 The lines are becoming blurry, maybe... just maybe you were lied to out of greed and fury,
Because shouldn't "God's chosen people" not adopt an apartheid regime and commit genocide and scheme?
Because shouldn't God's chosen people be resilient like Palestinians, finding solace in faith prayer and patience?
God's chosen people... Do you finally know who they are?

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