نموذج امتحان لغة إنجليزية أولى إعدادي مع الإجابة الفصل الدراسي الأول 2022

الأندلسي محمد يوسف المحمودي يناير 03, 2022 يناير 18, 2022
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 نموذج  امتحان لغة إنجليزية أولى إعدادي مع الإجابة الفصل الدراسي الأول 2022
 إدارة ……………….                                                                               الصف / الأول الإعدادي
  توجيه اللغة الانجليزية                                                                                    المادة /  اللغة الانجليزية
                                               امتحان الفصل الدراسي الأول يناير 2022                        الزمن / ساعتان


نموذج  امتحان لغة إنجليزية أولى إعدادي مع الإجابة الفصل الدراسي الأول 2022

نموذج  امتحان لغة إنجليزية أولى إعدادي مع الإجابة الفصل الدراسي الأول 2022

1) Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, or c or d:   (4 M)


1. Where did Noha spend her last summer?

a. In Paris              b. In Rome           c. In Italy       d. In Madrid

2. How was the food?

a. salty       b. bad            c. cold         d. delicious

3. What is Paris famous for?

a. The Eiffel Tower         b. The Pyramids                 c. The High Dam              d. The Sphinx

4. What did Noha buy for Nada?

a. a bag                   b. a Postcard                       c. a souvenir                    d. an mp3 player

2) Complete the following dialogue:                  (5 M)

Mazen : What’s your favourite subject ?

Ahmad : My favourite subject is -----------------1----------.

Mazen : ----------2----------------- do you like it ?

Ahmad : Because English is an interesting subject.

Mazen: --------------3------------- is your English teacher this year?

Ahmad :  Mr. Muhammad.

Mazen : How often do you ----------4-----------------  it?

Ahmad : I study it  -------------5-------------- a week.

3) Read the following , then answer the questions :      (6 M)

    Mrs Hala is a teacher of English in a preparatory school. She is very kind and helpful, so all students love her. She comes to school at 7 oclock in the morning to give the students more lessons and help them with their homework. she has got a small family . Her husband, Mr Samir is a doctor, her two daughters Sama and Nada and her only son Omar. Omar is going to be a dentist. But her elder daughter Sama who likes English and science wants to be a doctor like her father. Nada, the youngest daughter, wants to be an engineer. They are a happy family.

  a) Answer the following questions:

1-Why does Mrs Hala come to school at 7 o'clock?

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .

2-How many children has Mrs Hala got?

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .

3-Why do you think all students love Mrs Hala?

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .

    b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  

4-Nada is the  -------------------in the family.

a. longest              b. youngest                  c. tallest                  d. heaviest

5-The teachers only son is going to be a-------------------

a. teacher              b. doctor                      c. dentist                d. farmer

6-Mrs Halas husband works in a-------------------

a. bank                  b. school                        c. farm                    d. hospital


4)  Choose the correct answer from  a, b, c or d :        (10 M)

1. Mona --------------------------- in a bed in the attic of the house

   a. sleeps              b. walks                     c. leaves                     d. goes

2. Muhammad Salah is very good at --------------------------- goals.
   a. kicking             b. scoring                  c. hitting                    d. diving
3. Your sister is your parents--------------------------- .

   a. daughter          b. son                        c. aunt                        d. father

4. Social studies and science are school ---------------------------  .
   a. objects             b. subjects                c. teams                     d. groups
5.Your -------------------------- must be strong to be safe online.

  a. keyword            b. crossword             c. password         d. secret word

6. Some children in Egypt ------------------------- to school.

   a. road                 b. recycle                   c. ride                         d. walk

7. Put rice and water in a ---------------------------   before cooking rice pudding.

   a. bag                   b. teaspoon                c. saucepan               d.cup

8. Ahmed ---------------------------  his English book now.

   a. reads                b. read                        c. is reading              d. reading

9. She didnt ---------------------------  to the beach yesterday. 

   a. goes                  b. went                       c. gone                      d. go

10. There ---------------------------  milk in the fridge.
   a. is any                 b. are any                   c. are some              d. is some


5) Read and correct the underlined words:               (4 M)

1. He usually got up early.                                     ( ..…………….…….  )

2. They should to drink healthy water.                 ( ..…………….…….  )

3. Would you like any cup of tea ?                        ( ..…………….…….  )

4. Didn’t  shout at your parents.                           ( ..…………….…….  )


6) Write a paragraph of  eighty (80) words on:          (6 M)

(Your favorite hobby)

إدارة ……………….                                                                                        الصف / الأول الإعدادي

  توجيه اللغة الانجليزية                                                                                  المادة /  اللغة الانجليزية

                                                      امتحان الفصل الدراسي الأول 2022                 الزمن / ساعتان



Listening text


   Last summer, Noha went to Paris. It was a wonderful holiday. The food was delicious. Paris is a great city. It is famous for the Eiffel Tower. Noha bought a souvenir for her friend, Nada.        

 1st prep                                 Model Answers                 

  1) Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, or c or d:   (4 M)


1- a                    2- d                       3- a                   4- c




2) Complete the following dialogue:                  (5 M)

1- English            2- Why            3- Who        4- study             5- twice\three times



3) Read the following , then answer the questions :      (6 M)

1- to give the students more lessons and help them with their homework

2- three children

3- Because she is very kind and helpful

4. b

5. c

6. d



   4)  Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d : (10 M)

1.  a  

2.  b

3.  a

4.  b

5.  c

6.  d      

7.  c 

8.  c

9.  d   

10. d

  5) Read and correct the underlined words:  (4 M)

1- gets       2- drink                3- a            4- Don’t                 



  6) Write a paragraph of ninety (90) words on :  (6 M)                 

(My Favorite hobby)





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